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Single-Use Digital Flexible Ureteroscope

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The capital expense of buying reusable ureteroscopes is just the beginning. In addition to the initial investment,10-13 it costs thousands of dollars to repair damaged scopes —7,14-16 which may be necessary after as few as 15 uses for flexible fiber-optic scopes8 and just 12 uses for digital flexible scopes.6,7 Then factor in the high cost of sterilization. The time, expense and complexity of reprocessing alone are substantial.14,17-30 And don’t forget the procedural delays due to reprocessing hold-ups,31-33 or the potential employee health issues associated with reprocessing.31,34
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The LithoVue™ Single-Use Digital Flexible Ureteroscope not only eliminates many of these costs and hassles, it delivers tangible financial benefits that have a long-term economic and clinical impact.2-5,8,35,36 Now you can eliminate many of the steps required to use, maintain, and handle a reusable ureteroscope.17And reap the rewards of higher physician productivity and greater throughput.
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