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 Learn about which patients may be right for Bronchial Thermoplasty

Who is BT for?

Learn about which patients may be right for Bronchial Thermoplasty


Healthcare professionals / Pulmonology / Procedures and Treatments / Bronchial Termoplasty

Bronchial Thermoplasty (BT) is for adult patients with Severe Asthma for whom medication, alone, isn't enough

Some patients still experience exacerbations and significantly limit their quality of life (assessed by AIS-6 or AQLQ), despite their recommended medication regimen.

These patients may benefit from Bronchial Thermoplasty to reduce their exacerbations. Fewer exacerbations may mean less need for the associated oral steroid treatment—and its side effects.

BT is for:

Patients on maximum tolerated doses of combined ICS and LABA such as Advair™, Dulera™ and Symbicort™, and who experience one or more of the following:

  • Take oral steroids for acute exacerbations more than twice a year
  • Anti-IgE therapy candidates or non-responders
  • Take oral steroids as daily maintenance medication

Societies support Bronchial Thermoplasty as a therapy for patients with Severe Asthma

Asthma Societies graphic
BT is included in asthma guidelines and strategy statements

Global asthma experts explain who benefits from BT

"There is a really positive experience when you see a patient and their asthma has changed because of this treatment." — Robert Niven, MD

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BT is not for patients who:

  • Are under 18 years old
  • Have a pacemaker, internal defibrillator, or other implantable electronic device
  • Have a known sensitivity to medications required to perform bronchoscopy, including lidocaine, atropine, and benzodiazepines
  • Have been treated previously with BT

Understand the risks of the Bronchial Thermoplasty procedure

As with any procedure, there are risks, and individual results may vary. The most common side effect of BT is temporary worsening of respiratory-related symptoms. This side effect typically occurs within a day of the procedure and resolves within 7 days on average with standard care. There is a small (3.4% per procedure) risk of these symptoms requiring hospitalization.1

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