Synergy Megatron


Purposed build for large vessels.

Left Main 

The Left Main or “Widow Maker” is the largest bifurcation of the coronary tree and has a number of unique features, which may demand different technical approaches from non-left main bifurcations. The proximal reference diameter generally measures between 4.5 and 5.5 mm - close to, or above, the dilatation limit of most currently available coronary stents.

The side branch is most often the circumflex artery (Cx) or (LCx) which generally has a large diameter. It is not always easy to access and one of the reasons is that its bifurcation angle is generally T-shaped (closer to 90º). This may impact on technique and the prognosis after stenting.

The myocardium supplied by the LM generally accounts for considerably more than 50% of the total myocardial mass so occlusion of the Cx is not acceptable since it often results in ischaemia of a large myocardial territory and may induce acute ischaemic mitral regurgitation.

 Prof. Christophe Dubois


Discover LM involving bifurcation with Opticross™ HD (IVUS) and SYNERGY™

Prof. Christophe Dubois


SYNERGY MEGATRON™ Purpose Built for Large Proximal Vessels

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