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Mastering Rotablation:
On-Demand Videos

Mastering Calcium Strategy

All you need to know about rotational atherectomy

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Rota from zero to hero<br><i>Claudia Cosgrove</i>

Rotational Atherectomy: from zero to hero
Dr. Claudia Cosgrove

Dr. Claudia Cosgrove explains ... >

Nodular and eccentric LMS-LAD calcification, treated by rotablation and IVUS guided stenting

Nodular and eccentric LMS-LAD calcification, by rotablation and IVUS guided stenting
Dr. Andrew Ladwiniec

Dr. Andrew Ladwiniec presents... >

Expert Talks

Using rotational atherectomy for calcium modification
Dr. Sinjini Biswas

Dr Sinjini Biswas: Using of rotational atherectomy for calcium modification
Dr. Sinjini Biswas presents the case of a 69 year old male with a CCs class III angina, during which rotational atherectomy was performed successfully to debulk a calcific nodule allowing a facilitation of equipment and improve stent expansion.

Learn more on how to always win the battles against coronary calcium
Dr. Emile Mehanna

Learn more on how to always win the battles against coronary calciumt<br /><i>Mehanna</i>

In this short video, Dr. Emile Mehanna explains how to win your battles against calcium :

  • The importance of IVUS imaging pre-intervention
  • Calcium distribution, thickness and depth will define the right tool(s) to be used against it
  • The benefits of ROTAPRO in CAC
  • Optimal imaging and lesion preparation defines your success

Rotational Atherectomy: from zero to hero
Dr. Claudia Cosgrove

Rota from zero to hero<br><i>Claudia Cosgrove</i>

Dr. Claudia Cosgrove explains in this short video the keys to becoming proficient in Rotational Atherectomy. You will learn about :

  • Starting out using Rotational Atherectomy
  • The essential role of imaging
  • Technical considerations in Rotational Atherectomy
  • Avoiding and managing complications
  • Tips & tricks to getting better

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Clinical Cases

Nodular and eccentric LMS-LAD calcification, by rotablation and IVUS guided stenting
Dr. Andrew Ladwiniec

Nodular and eccentric LMS-LAD calcification, treated by rotablation and IVUS guided stenting

Dr. Andrew Ladwiniec presents in this short video how to treat a Nodular and eccentric LMS-LAD calcification using IVUS and rotational atherectomy. You will learn about:

  • The utility of rotablation to treat eccentric and nodular calcification
  • The importance of adequate lesion preparation to achieve optimal stent expansion in left main stem PCI
  • The role of IVUS in identifying fractures in calcification
  • The importance of adequate stent expansion to attain good clinical outcomes

Rotational Atherectomy in an unprotected left main stenosis in heart transplanted patient
Prof. Flavio Ribichini

Rotational Atherectomy in an unprotected left main stenosis in heart transplanted patient
Consult this case by Prof Flavio Ribichini concerning the use of Rotablation as primary strategy for the treatment of heavily calcified left main bifurcation in heart transplanted patient with severe LV disfunction.

Extremely fibro-calcific, tortuous and aneurysmal RCA sub-occlusion
Dr. Pierfrancesco Agostoni

Extremely fibro-calcific, tortuous and aneurysmal RCA sub-occlusion<br /><i>P. Agostoni</i>

Learn more about how to use the Mamba microcatheter and ROTAPRO into an extremely fibro-calcific, tortuous, and aneurysmal RCA sub-occlusion. In this short video Dr. Pierfrancesco Agostoni outlines:

  • How the choice of the right material can influence procedural success
  • The importance of each step of a complex procedure, from wire passage to proper lesion preparation, to final stent implantation
  • How perseverance is key to succeed in complex scenarios

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Live cases and case-based discussions  

Proximal coronary severely calcified lesion: imaging and tailored optimal stenting with Megatron
Dr. Bruno Garcia del Blanco, Dr. Joan Antoni Goméz, Dr. Luca Testa

Proximal coronary severely calcified lesion: imaging and tailored optimal stenting with Megatron

In this live case with Dr Bruno Garcia del Blanco, Dr. Joan Antoni Goméz and Dr. Luca Testa, learn more on how to achieve optimal outcomes in a proximal severely calcified lesion :

  • Role and use of IVUS
  • Tips & tricks for rotational atherectomy
  • How to perform optimal stenting in the Left Main   

Left main & bifurcation PCI with ROTAPRO and SYNERGY MEGATRON
Dr. Nicolas Boudou & Dr. Olivier Darremont

Left main & bif PCI with ROTAPRO and SYNERGY MEGATRON

Learn more about how to treat severely calcified lesions in the Left Main, LAD and Circumflex with rotablation, imaging and Megatron. In this case-based discussion Dr. Nicolas Boudou and Dr. Olivier Darremont explain :

  • The right tools to treat Left Main bifurcations
  • Optimal lesion preparation using ROTAPRO
  • Features and benefits of the SYNERGY MEGATRON stent
  • The key role of IVUS to achieve optimal outcomes

Complex PCI: severe calcified distal left main
Prof. Marek Ferenc, Dr. Kambis Mashayekhi, Dr. Stéphane Carlier

Complex PCI: severe calcified distal left main

In this live case Dr. Marek Ferenc, Dr. Stéphane Carlier and PD Dr. Kambis Mashayekhi explain :

  • When to use of hemodynamic support during a complex procedure
  • Optimal lesion preparation in calcified lesions
  • Role and use of IVUS for best results
  • Tips & tricks for stenting in complex bifurcation lesions

The quest for the holy grail in calcium treatment
Prof. Emanuele Barbato & Dr. Margaret McEntegaart

The quest for the holy grail in calcium treatment

In this case-based webinar, Prof. Emanuele Barbato and Dr. Margareth McEntegaart share best practices and tools for the treatment of coronary calcium in a complex calcified left main bifurcation case:

  • When to use hemodynamic support during a complex procedure
  • Optimal lesion preparation in calcified lesions
  • Role and use of IVUS for best results
  • Tips & tricks for stenting in complex bifurcation lesions
Calcium School-of-Rock

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Join our Left Main Bifurcation Live Case series your step-by-step LM educational journey. Connect to 11 Live Case Centres, with education provided by over 30 of the top KOLs around the world, in short one hour live case sessions. Break down the complexity of LMPCI in an algorithmic step-by-step approach |Get a comprehensive look at not only the procedure but the evidence behind the decisions |View experts’ perspective on how LMPCI is performed in a contemporary setting. Discover more >>


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