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Mastering 'Rota-Cut': On-Demand Videos

Mastering Calcium Strategy

Tips & tricks for the Rota-Cut technique

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IVUS guided ''Rota-cut'' case of a severely calcified lesion<br /><i>J. Daemen</i>

IVUS guided ''Rota-cut'' case of a severely calcified lesion
Dr. Joost Daemen

In this short video, Dr. Joost Daemen ... >

Dr. Kalpa De Silva presents a case of complex calcium modification in an out of hospital cardiac arrest

Complex Calcium modification in Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Dr. Kalpa De Silva

Dr. Kalpa De Silva presents the case ... >

Expert Talks

Our Ideas on Modern Calcium Treatment. Focus on PREPARE CALC-COMBO
Prof. Gert Richardt

Our Ideas on Modern Calcium Treatment. Focus on PREPARE CALC-COMBO Prof. Gert Richardt
Prof. Gert Richardt presents in this short video their ideas about Modern Calcium Treatment and the PREPARE-CALC COMBO study evaluating the acute and long term efficacy of a combined strategy of lesion preparation with rotational atherectomy followed by cutting balloon and by sirolimus-eluting stent implantation in patients with severely calcified coronary lesions.

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Clinical Cases

IVUS guided Rota-Cutting strategy to treat an uncrossable LAD and a complex LMT bifurcation lesion
Dr. med. Abdelhakim Allali

Dr. med. Abdelhakim Allali presents an IVUS guided Rota-Cutting strategy to treat an uncrossable LAD and a complex LMT bifurcation lesion.

Dr. med. Abdelhakim Allali presents an IVUS guided Rota-Cutting strategy to treat an uncrossable LAD and a complex LMT bifurcation lesion.

You will learn about:

  • How to treat an uncrossable calcified lesion
  • The importance of lesion preparation strategy and stenting technique guided by IVUS
  • The benefits of Rota-Cut strategy to treat superficial and deep calcium distribution.
  • The safety of lesion preparation in left main calcified lesions

Complex Calcium modification in Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Dr. Kalpa De Silva

Dr. Kalpa De Silva presents a case of complex calcium modification in an out of hospital cardiac arrest

Dr. Kalpa De Silva presents the case of a complex IVUS guided calcium modification in out of hospital cardiac arrest, using a combination of rotational atherectomy and cutting balloon.

You will learn about:

  • The calcium modifications tools available
  • The importance of IVUS guided intervention to assess and device selection
  • The features to develop flexibility in strategy during a procedure
  • The benefits of rotational atherectomy combined with cutting balloon  

Concentric calcified plaque in a bent mid-LAD treated with Rotacutting
Dr. Pablo Salinas

Concentric calcified plaque in a bent mid-LAD treated with Rotacutting<br><i>Pablo Salinas</i>

Dr. Pablo Salinas explains in this IVUS guided case the use of the “Rotacut” technique in coronary calcified lesions.

You will learn about:

  • The basic principles of calcium modification : how to choose the right strategy
  • The approach to safely perform rotablation in a tortuous segment
  • The synergistic effects of rotablation plus Wolverine cutting balloon after HD IVUS assessment.

IVUS guided ''Rota-cut'' case of a severely calcified lesion
Dr. Joost Daemen

IVUS guided ''Rota-cut'' case of a severely calcified lesion<br /><i>J. Daemen</i>

In this short video, Dr. Joost Daemen presents a case of a patient with a severely calcified lesion combining rotational atherectomy and cutting balloon (RotaCut).

You will learn about:

  • Tips & tricks for the RotaCut technique
  • Value of IVUS guidance in calcified lesions in practice

Calcium School-of-Rock

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