SpyGlass™ DS

Direct Visualization System


Using the SpyGlass™ DS System at the time of initial biliary stone treatment may increase the likelihood of successful stone clearance during the first session and may reduce the need for additional procedures1 and subsequent costs2. ERCP with cholangioscopy drives efficiency, which is critical for a value-based healthcare environment.*
Improved procedural success rates could influence patient experience, retention and referrals.
Reduction in need for additional procedures and subsequent costs

Economic Impact

Additionally, SpyGlass-DS introduces opportunities for increased downstream revenue associated with treatments for malignancies diagnosed during a cholangioscopy procedure. One study found that the downstream events attributable to the SpyGlass DS System yielded an overall - across both therapeutic and diagnostic uses of SpyGlass-DS - net positive impact of $2,942 over a 90-day post-procedure follow-up period (including the index cholangioscopy procedure).3
ERCP with cholangioscopy is associated with a decrease in costs compared to ERCP alone.4  

To find out more about the potential economic impact of the SpyGlass DS System, contact your local Boston Scientific Field Reimbursement Manager at ENDOFRM@bsci.com.

Contact EndoFRM

A Physician's Perspective
