Together we shape the future of HPB

Double your biopsy tissue yield

The right biopsy forceps can make all the difference​

spybite max teeth CU

SpyBiteᵀᴹ Max, our improved* SpyGlassᵀᴹ DS compatible biopsy forceps, can help you acquire the sample you need to secure a diagnosis for your patient.​

​*Biopsy tissue yield can be doubled using the SpyBiteᵀᴹ Max versus SpyBiteᵀᴹ.¹

The SpyBite™ Max Biopsy Forceps feature:1​

spybite features

Clinical evidence supports the use of SpyBite™

A 2020 systematic review and meta-analysis of 11 studies of 356 patients diagnosed through biopsy found that SpyBiteTM outperformed other common tools when judged by sensitivity and accuracy:²​

​Digital single-operator cholangioscopy (DSOC) SpyBiteTM diagnostic yield for indeterminate biliary strictures (pooled results)​


spybite max sensitivity

Adapted from Wen et al. 2020.​


spybite max specificity

A comparison from 11 studies assessing different methods used to evaluate biliary strictures showed that DSOC with SpyBiteTM achieved high levels of sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy2 compared to ERCP brush cytology and biopsy​.

Diagnostic method​Sensitivity (%)​
Specificity (%)​
Accuracy (%)​
DSOC SpyBite™ biopsy​
DSOC visual impression​95​92​94​
ERCP brush cytology and biopsy​59.4​100​50​

Adapted from Wen et al. 2020.​

For more information:​

View product information for​ the SpyBiteTM Max Biopsy Forceps:

SpyBiteTM Max Biopsy Forceps​

A design enhancement to the legacy, SpyBiteTM Max Biopsy Forceps has been shown to acquire more than 2x tissue in an average bite.​

​Performing biopsies under direct visualization using the SpyGlassTM System and SpyBiteTM Max Biopsy Forceps (86% sensitivity) enables faster, more accurate diagnosis of malignancies. ​

spyscope DS II CU

Driving innovation in HPB diagnosis​

At Boston Scientific, we understand the challenges you may face in achieving a diagnosis for your patients. We have developed a suite of solutions to help support them:​

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CAUTION: The law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indications, contraindications, warnings, and instructions for use can be found in the product labelling supplied with each device or at Products shown for INFORMATION purposes only and may not be approved or for sale in certain countries. This material not intended for use in France.​​All images owned by Boston Scientific.​