AVNRT The low fluoro approach
Dr. Filippo Maria Cauti from Ospedale Fatebenefratelli Isola Tiberina (Rome, Italy) shares minimal x-ray procedural workflows with ultra-HD mapping to treat AVNRT patients. Watch the video and learn about:
- Optimized workflow with RHYTHMIA HDx™ to minimise fluoroscopy exposure
- How your patients can benefit from ultra-HD mapping and magnetic tracked IntellaNav™ ablation catheters

Footprint Mapping of the Microreentry with Fragmented Propagation to the Atrium
Dr. Evgeny Lyan (from Heart and Vessel Centre in Bad Bevensen, Germany) presents the synergies between RHYTHMIA HDx™ system and Artificial Intelligence as LUMIPOINT™ Software has an automatic point-based analysis for a procedure-time self-learning.
Enjoy the video and learn how Dr. Lyan applies Artificial Intelligence for Footprint Mapping thanks to an ultra-HD multielectrode mapping to collect patterns of activation as:
- RHYTHMIA HDx™ map accurately identifies the driving mechanisms of Atrial Tachycardias
- IntellaMap™ Orion catheter and Dynamic Review provide insights of microreentry mechanisms
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VT insights from RHYTHMIA HDx
This third episode shows how Prof. Dr. Frederic Sacher (from Liryc – CHU Bordeaux, France) benefits from RHYTHMIA HDx™ system with the latest LUMIPOINT™ Software to understand and deep dive into the patterns behind ventricular tachycardias:
- The LUMIPOINT™ Software automatically highlights whatever EGMs the user is interested in within the ultra-HD RHYTHMIA HDx™ map
- By using the SKYLINE™ tool the user could quickly identify any mid-diastolic potentials even during fast Ventricular Tachcyardias
- Beat acceptance criteria for automatic point collection in RHYTHMIA HDx™ map allows the operator to identify dual loops with similar morphology but different cycle lengths
To watch the full video subscribe on EDUCARE, and search for Bordeaux Alliance Meeting 2019

Revisiting ATach with ultra-HD mapping
In this second episode Dr. Arnaud Denis (from Liryc – CHU Bordeaux, France) revisits his Atrial Tachycardias procedures with RHYTHMIA HDx™ system to show how he benefits from ultra-HD mapping to define macro-reentry circuits and ultra-high resolution with IntellaMap™ Orion catheter to identify localized reentry tachycardias.
To watch the full video subscribe on EDUCARE, and search for Bordeaux Alliance Meeting 2019

PVI: the role of ultra-HD mapping
Prof. Dr. Christian Meyer, M.A., FEHRA (from Universitäres Herzzentrum Hamburg, Germany) commenting on the role of ultra-HD mapping systems for Pulmonary Vein Isolation:
- With RHYTHMIA HDx™ system you can have a great idea about PV gaps even if the signals are very low amplitude
- LUMIPOINT™ Software drives user’s attention by automatically highlighting the ablation targeted areas
- DIRECTSENSE™ is a Technology that can be easily integrate in your daily workflow
To watch the full video subscribe on EDUCARE, and search for Bordeaux Alliance Meeting 2019