The Augmented Operating Room
Pioneers at the AP-HP (Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris) and IMT (Institut Mines-Télécom) are bridging the digital and physical world. The “Augmented Operating Room” (BOpA) innovation chair accelerates the development of digital technologies to overcome the risk of error in surgery.
Using technological innovation but without forgetting the human dimension, the research chair aims to design, develop, experiment, prototype and integrate a new operating room model within a multidisciplinary ecosystem.
New practices are identified, tested and quickly validated in the dummy operating theatre, transforming the analysis and learning of the surgical act.
Huntington’s Disease Trial Finder
“Patients are not only subjects, but active actors in the discovery of new treatments,” Dina de Sousa, European Huntington Association.
The Rare disease community needs to be proactive and help share information about trials to speed up recruitment. To make it easier for people with Huntington’s Disease (HD) or their families to find understandable and reliable information about ongoing trials and research in Europe, a user-friendly web platform was created.
The HD trialfinder is a map with all upcoming and ongoing trials and studies in Huntington's disease to help in the discovery of effective treatment. It empowers the community by giving them the opportunity to take action and participate in research.