Todas Especialidades (-)
Os marcapassos mais avançados da Boston Scientific agora são condicionais a RM. Os modelos ACCOLADE IRM e ESSENTIO IRM podem ser utilizados como parte do Sistema de Regulamento de Ritmo Cardíaco Condicional a RM ImageReady™ para varredura segura e eficaz em ambientes de IRM de 1,5T e 3T quando as Condições de Uso de IRM forem cumpridas.¹
- Electrophysiology
INGENIO™ and ADVANTIO™ Pacemakers
The INGENIO and ADVANTIO pacemakers from Boston Scientific define a new era in pacing. Both leverage key aspects of our innovative high-voltage platform and incorporate new features, therapies and diagnostic options.
- Electrophysiology
VITALIO™ Pacemaker
VITALIO lets the heart take the lead, intervening only when appropriate. With features including respiration-based pacing for rate response, wireless connectivity and automaticity in both chambers – the VITALIO pacemaker lets your patients get back to what’s important in life.
- Electrophysiology