
Sentai Guidewires
SENTAI Guidewires

Our line of SENTAI guidewires is designed with our customers’ most important performance requirements in mind; to provide physicians with the tools to successfully treat the simplest to most complex patients.


SENTAI Guidewires

Boston Scientific collaborated closely with Japan-based FMD Co., Ltd. (Future Medical Design) in the development of its new line of SENTAI coronary guidewires.  FMD is a leading design and manufacturing firm for interventional guidewire technology, and the exclusive global supplier of the SENTAI family of wires, which includes 3 frontline workhorse wires (SAMURAI™, SAMURAI RC, AND MARVEL™), 6 specialty crossing wires (FIGHTER™, JUDO™ 1, JUDO™ 3, JUDO™ 6, HORNET™ 10, and HORNET™ 14) and 1 extension wire (STRETCH™).
To safely navigate even the most challenging anatomy and access hard-to-reach lesions.
To enable you to cross, and ultimately treat, even the most challenging and resistant lesions.
To enable treatment of multi-vessel cases with one wire, saving the time and expense of using additional wires.
Rail Support
For successful device delivery without the need for buddy wires or wire exchanges.

Ordering Information

Workhorse Wires

ProductMaterial DescriptionUPNGTIN
SAMURAI GuidewireSAMURAI Guidewire 190 cm (5PK)H74939302190208714729881216
SAMURAI Guidewire 300 cm (5PK)H74939302300208714729881230
SAMURAI Guidewire 190 cm J-tip (5PK)H74939302190J208714729881223
SAMURAI Guidewire 300 cm J-tip (5PK)H74939302300J208714729881209
SAMURAI RC GuidewireSAMURAI RC Guidewire 190 cm  (5PK)H74939306190208714729886679
SAMURAI RC Guidewire 300 cm (5PK)H74939306300208714729886686
MARVEL GuidewireMARVEL Guidewire 190 cm (5PK)H74939301190208714729881179
MARVEL Guidewire 300 cm (5PK)H74939301300208714729881193
MARVEL Guidewire 190 cm J-tip (5PK)H74939301190J208714729881186
MARVEL Guidewire 300 cm J-tip (5PK)H74939301300J208714729881247

Specialty Crossing Wires

ProductMaterial DescriptionUPNGTIN
FIGHTER GuidewireFIGHTER Guidewire 190 cm (5PK)H74939303190208714729886617
FIGHTER Guidewire 300 cm (5PK)H74939303300208714729886624
HORNET 10 GuidewireHORNET Guidewire 10 190 cmH74939304190208714729886631
HORNET Guidewire 10 300 cmH74939304300208714729886648
HORNET 14 GuidewireHORNET Guidewire 14 190 cmH74939307190208714729886693
HORNET Guidewire 14 300 cmH74939307300208714729886709
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