The European legal entities of Boston Scientific (“ELBS”) recognize their obligation to comply with all relevant tax requirements and filing obligations, including corporate income tax, payroll taxes, VAT and other local taxes*. They aim to be open and transparent in dealing with the tax authorities. The ELBS finance teams will, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the ELBS, engage with external local tax advisors to obtain advice and assistance in the preparation of their tax returns and in considering their tax position. An external auditor audits the accounts of the ELBS on an annual basis and periodically internal audits take place. Where appropriate accruals are made for uncertain tax items in line with local GAAP requirements. The Board of Directors of the ELBS are updated on significant tax matters including the tax implications of commercial activities. The ELBS seek to interpret the relevant tax laws in a reasonable way and external professional tax advice is taken where necessary.

The ELBS and their directors work with the corporate tax department in managing tax risk, approaching tax planning and interacting with tax authorities in line with the Boston Scientific global tax strategy. This strategy can be found here. The Boston Scientific global tax strategy is reviewed on a regular basis and updated if necessary.


*Last reviewed in October 2023 and relates to the financial year ending December 31, 2022.

Under UK law, the UK subsidiaries and UK sub-groups of Boston Scientific are required to publish their tax strategy. The UK Boston Scientific entities consider that through this communication they are complying with their duty under paragraph 19 and 22(2) schedule 19 of the UK Finance Act 2016.

Find the Polish tax strategy information here