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HRC 2023


Our symposium with Industry Thought Leaders

Innovations in cardiac digital technology to improve patient care pathways and their potential to reduce our carbon footprint.

Climate change is a major threat to the planet and our health. Healthcare is estimated to be responsible for around 4% of the UK’s Greenhouse gas emissions¹ and we have a responsibility to reduce that impact. 

The NHS and Boston Scientific have both set ambitious targets of being fully carbon net-zero by 2045¹ and 2050², respectively, but how can this be achieved? 

Join industry thought leaders as they discuss the latest innovations in remote technology and digital health that seek to improve patient care pathways and reduce the environmental impact of medical devices and the Healthcare carbon footprint.

  • From paper to practice - how has remote monitoring & digital tech positively impacted clinical practice in a tertiary centre - Jamie Walton, Head of Cardiac Implantable Devices (Clinical Scientist) & Paisley Hall, Cardiac Physiologist.


Professor Pierre Jaïs

Jamie Walton

Head of Cardiac  Implantable Devices (Clinical Scientist)
Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Professor Pierre Jaïs

Paisley Hall

Senior Physiologist
Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Professor Pierre Jaïs

Michelle Sullivan

Head of Public Affairs
Boston Scientific, EMEA

Live in the Interactive Area, Hall 3.

1. NHS England, National ambition, NHS choices. Available at: (Accessed: 24 July 2023).
2. Page 39, 2022 Boston Scientific Performance Report . (Accessed: 24 July 2023)