Footprint Mapping of the Microreentry with Fragmented Propagation to the Atrium

Footprint Mapping of the Microreentry with Fragmented Propagation to the Atrium

Dr. Evgeny Lyan (from Heart and Vessel Centre in Bad Bevensen, Germany) presents the synergies between RHYTHMIA HDx™ system and Artificial Intelligence as LUMIPOINT™ Software has an automatic point-based analysis for a procedure-time self-learning.

Enjoy the video and learn how Dr. Lyan applies Artificial Intelligence for Footprint Mapping thanks to an ultra-HD multielectrode mapping to collect patterns of activation as:

  • RHYTHMIA HDx™ map accurately identifies the driving mechanisms of Atrial Tachycardias
  • IntellaMap™ Orion catheter and Dynamic Review provide insights of microreentry mechanisms

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